Life, Fuckups, and Trivialities Cyclone Alfred The projected path has changed. The storm's slowed down.
Life, Fuckups, and Trivialities Grindstone? Ground Down I know just enough to know what I could be able to do if I was just a handful of neurons smarter than I think I am.
Dear Diary... Time Manglement With the Tism This entry's pretty much about why Weird Writer Wednesday is happening on a Friday.
Just Writer Things Accidentally Mentoring... I have no idea how this keeps happening. I've picked up a third mentee.
Dear Diary... Simple Solutions The bougie fancy whatnot from the fancy-ass bougie bakeware shops was as useful to me as a meringue umbrella.
Actually Autistic I've Been Going Through It Switching to Linux is not an easy task. Further to the point, I am a dummins.
Anxiety The Anxiety is Real I've been procrastinating on a lot of things. Today, I had some real good excuses. In-person time with MeMum, who did need me for an extended Leyland's tour of errands. And tech support. And a good gasbag, because who doesn't need a good gasbag?
Dear Diary... Anger at the Details Over the passage of several baking days, I began to suspect something was awry.
Life, Fuckups, and Trivialities This is... not... I have less free time because I can't keep focus. I can't keep focus because I'm always tired.
Life, Fuckups, and Trivialities Running Out It’s just about my bedtime and I currently have no revelations to -uh- reveal. I do apologise.
Life, Fuckups, and Trivialities Publisher Hunt: The Longer Short List First off: I found another list of publishing houses that don’t care if you have an agent. And I immediately weeded out all of the ones who wouldn’t touch my material with a 40′ barge pole. The bad news out of this is that it raises the short
Life, Fuckups, and Trivialities Re-Spec Mah Prioritah I’m in an economic pickle once more. The money I once had has gone to frivolous things like… food. And emergencies. And bills.
Life, Fuckups, and Trivialities [X] My Life As far as I’m aware, my hub site is down for the count. At least two testers have got a 502 [bad gateway] error.
Personal Illogic Self Care and the Indie Artist’s Regime TL;DR- I spent the entire weekend looking after myself and not producing content. Are you mad at me? I was sick. I managed to pick up whatever vile Lurgi seems to be doing the circuit these days, and it’s been my best friend and worst enemy for an
Thought Stream Progress? I have my email back. Yay. Which means I can field my rejections and hand out my supply of fucks-to-give for as long as they last and to whomsoever deserves them the most. I don’t have a lot, though. I give a fuck for my Primary Parental. I give
Personal Illogic Repairs in progress? I asked my Beloved how the site fixing is going and they said it could well be done today! Spoiler alert – if it isn’t, tomorrow’s blog is going to be dipped in lava-hot snark. If it is… this may be the last entry you get for weeks on