Time Manglement With the Tism

This entry's pretty much about why Weird Writer Wednesday is happening on a Friday.

Time Manglement With the Tism
With thanks and love to the Autism Self Advocacy Network

No, my lovely readers, that is not a typo in the title. It's a lovely little memetic term I picked up from the upper atmosphere of r/antiwork. Usually used in the term "middle manglement" to infer that a manager... can't. As for "The Tism"... I have it. I have Autism Spectrum Disorder and I've been entangled in workarounds with it for quite some significant time.

And speaking of time... this entry's pretty much about why Weird Writer Wednesday is happening on a Friday.

Fellow Neurodiverse or Neurospicy folk already know about "appointment paralysis". Well... I've had a variant of that I'm naming "Runaround Paralysis" even though it doesn't quite fit.

If you don't know about appointment paralysis, here's a brief explanation. You have an appointment at three PM, but you know it's going to take half an hour to get there under normal conditions. Add a minimum of a quarter hour if you're unfamiliar with the place and another half hour for the "fuck-up factor". So you have to leave your house at 2PM just to be safe. Add two hours for personal grooming, and three for various essential houseworkings and now you barely have time for breakfast. That is the essence of appointment paralysis. All your usual nonsense is overtaken by making sure you get to that appointment EARLY.

On Monday, I had a rare day at home and decided to enjoy it. Because I knew I had to save my thin energies for the rest of the week. Tuesday - my car was getting an essential service. Wednesday - Zoom call with the Shrink. Thursday - first day of foot treatment and shopping for essential supplies. Today... is my first day back to normal. Or at least what passes for my normal.

Next week has more bullshit in it, but that's another rant for my daily blog.

And I've been minimising my emotional needs more than a little bit because other people need me at place to do thing. And all of my social networks are overflowing with people who need help who I can't afford to help and that just adds to the general heartfelt exhaustion going on in my life at the moment.

...and I can't have a nice long hot bath for at least five weeks because my problem foot requires sports bandages that shouldn't stay wet. For reals, if I get them wet, I have to blast them with a hair dryer so they don't drive me insane with a mega itch. Otherwise known as a sensory nightmare.

D'ruther not do that, thank you very much.

So I have no idea if this is going to happen again next week. I'm praying it doesn't. Alas, the Powers That Be will for sure have alternate plans and I just have to roll with those punches when they happen. And get lots of cuddles in whenever the opportunity presents itself.

I need some haptic rewards, darnit.

So let us hope for the best and keep on trying. My next offering will be happening after an hour-long drive home. EDIT: My laptop was on Daylight Savings. So I work on at least a story now. (fume)