Reasons to Love Reasons to Love: Leverage In these times where the powers that be are rich, selfish, and more self-centred than a gyroscope, it's good to see the downfall of their fictional counterparts.
Reasons to Love Reasons to Love: The Amazing Digital Circus I can tell you that this indy CGI series has a lot of merit.
Reasons to Love Reasons to Love: Brainworms by MisterCrowbar Even if you don't go there, you have a decent chance of falling in love with all the characters therein.
Reasons to Love Reasons to Love: Thank Goodness You're Here! It's a beautiful day in Barnsworth and you are a terrible, tiny salesman.
Reasons to Love Reasons to Love: Centaurworld Centaurworld is an Isekai story in which our heroine... is thrust into a world she does not understand.
Actually Autistic IMNSHO: Autism Representation done right I can clearly imagine the neurotypical rage that would happen if... one of the heroes... was introduced while he was stimming as pictured above.
Personal Illogic Just Written That Way Recently, the BBC added another incarnation into Doctor Who’s expansion pack past. Shouldn’t be a worry, they did it with John Hurt’s “War Doctor” and nobody was tremendously upset.
Personal Illogic A Little Research Plz? A little less than a week ago, my Beloved and I had a chance to enjoy the Doctor Who episode, Nikola Tesla’s Night of Terror. All well and fine.
Review The Worst Religious Argument Ever My dear darling Beloved up and decided to watch Left Behind. Which is what I would classify as a disaster of a disaster movie.
Review Valerian and the Gigantic Mess (Spoilers) What’s not to love? Cool aliens, ladies taking charge and kicking butt. A space station that could be the same mass as a planet… My kind of jam. And then I actually saw the movie.