Half a Wit to Spare
I have possibly the world’s worst timing. Just seconds after deciding to run a WordPress and a Patreon, as well as all my other blogs… I also committed to some regular activity that has me busy off of my arse two days out of the week.

[This entry has been updated with current information]
I have possibly the world’s worst timing. Just seconds after deciding to run a WordPress and a Patreon, as well as all my other blogs… I also committed to some regular activity that has me busy off of my arse two days out of the week.
The nice thing about being an author is my work is highly portable and not many people care when it’s done, just as long as it is done. I keep something of a schedule. I make myself do things regularly. As well as the instant story over on Peakd, I make certain I do five hundred words a day, four days out of the week, and one thousand on Fridays so I can unwind on the weekend.
I also spend a little time working on art. Not spectacular art. Just… whittling away at a project that looks fifteen times more awesome inside my head. My skill cannot match my imagination and I’m sort-of okay with that.
When one approaches problems with a “nibble it to death” attitude, things can mount up. All those five minutes and half hours eat the day away. Especially when one can distract oneself with whatever happens to be present.
I know for a fact that I don’t have ADD or ADHD. Lots of the rest of the alphabet… OCD, ASD, whatever alphabet soup happens to have Anxiety in there somewhere… They can comorbid themselves into that interesting spiral where I end up staring at the wall and thinking of nothing because it’s just so peaceful there.
And as my days get eaten up, there are surprise obligations, and everything takes a back seat while I bail a sick child out of school, or go attend a thing to learn about stuff, or have to do my Beloved a favour by rattling about the scenery and doing the thing. Which means that something, somewhere, snaps.
And it’s most normally my ability to can.
I set myself the task of trying to come up with something witty for this corner of the internet once a day. Now it’s really looking like I can barely manage odd numbered days of the week.
Meanwhile, I’m getting notes about lovely people I follow who manage to spam wordpress with everything they find fascinating. It’s very hard not to compare yourself with others, especially when those others are way more successful at it without apparently trying.
But I should know that that success is a façade. People are more likely to talk about their successes than their failures. People are more likely to spin their failures into something that’s at minimum funny. I can at least that I’ve run out of fingers to insert into pies and at least aim for something I can manage.
Therefore… this little piece of my mind will be occurring whenever I have something to wax lyrical about. And I’m going to take myself an extended bubble bath until I calm the flakk down.
[Image (c) Can Stock Photo / wrangler]