Conquering Lurgi My Way
'Lurgi' is my shorthand for "That rotten bug that's going around this time"

For anyone unfamiliar with my personal, bizarre, and largely meme-driven dialect, 'Lurgi' is my shorthand for "That rotten bug that's going around this time". You have to admit, it's a lot easier to say. I stole it from a radio show that dates back to a time prior to my existence on this planet. I have a record of it.
There are times in my life where the Lurgi seems to be an unending affliction, and there's little to be done by modern medicine to make my suffering any lighter. And in times like these, like I'm suffering now, that I turn to the assistance of the old school things. And by goodness, they help modern medicine along.
There's three I use regularly - Ginger, Garlic, and steam. They're the active ingredients. The steam's generally in a humidifier. Self-explanatory. As for how I take them... let's have some recipes.
Not the kind you might know, which is a teeny dribble of alcohol in a lot of lemonade. Though I have discovered the idea of that one is growing extinct. It might be a solely British thing. I dunno. But this is my version. Note the suspicious lack of alcohol.
* 1 large, sealable container [that you can pour from]
* 1 stirring implement
* (Optional) large enough measuring cup
* 1.25l lemonade (aka Sprite to the Americans)
* 600ml ginger ale/beer [Or a single Bundaberg stubbie]
* 500ml citrus-styled fruit juice
* 100-200ml citrus-styled cordial
* Pour them each into your large container
* Stir gently
* Imbibe at thine own rate.
I used to live on this stuff when I was getting every single cold known to civilisation and it honestly helped me function more oft than not. I leaned on it a lot before I found ways to improve my health. And yes, it helped me during my incidents with that plague.
On to the other remedy. Both cure-related and nutrition that a Lurgi-wearied soul can ingest when energy is bottoming out.
Ginger Garlic Chicken Soup
Everybody knows chicken soup, so I'll cover the essentials and let you improvise from there. Make it your own.
* A handy cooktop-like heat source
* A big enough pot
* Handy stirring/serving implement(s)
* Chopping stuff if you couldn't get pre-chopped ingredients
* Measuring stuff if you're into that. Let's face it, it's hard to mess up chicken soup.
* Chicken (duh) about 500g, preferably pre-prepared in useful chunks [because you're crook] more if you have a bigger pot
* Vegetables [As many and as much as you want]
* Stock if you have it [I have used non-chicken stock through inspired desperation on multiple occasions]
* GINGER (duh*2) Measure with your heart
* GARLIC (duh^3) As above
* Water (of course!)
* Other herbs and spices as you wanna
* Prep the stuff that needs to be prepped
* Add to the water in the pot
* Cook at medium heat or simmer gently while you nap
Excellent to ingest whilst watching no-brainer entertainment. Preferably whilst inside a blanket burrito.