Choosing Kindness: My Philosophy
When the chance presents itself, I take it.

I say it to my imaginary audience on Twitch as a sign off: "Choose kindness." I try to live by those words even when I'm feeling like the most bitter bean in the veggie patch. Why? Because the world is cruel and harsh but we do not have to be so.
Because sometimes the harder path is more rewarding.
Because one act of kindness can turn someone's day around in a good way.
It's not every day that I get to do a good deed, but when the chance presents itself, I take it. You don't need to expend money to choose kindness. It can be as simple as helping a complete stranger do a thing.
More often than not, it's helping the family with random errands. And that's fine by me.
These days, it's easy to soak in global misery. There's wars here, starvation there, greed firkin everywhere. It's easy to despair. It's easy to get depressed and anxious about the state of the world. It's very easy to spiral because I can only do little things.
All I have to do is remember that a little thing can sometimes save a day, or save a life. A little thing is a seed.
Maybe more kindness will grow from it.
It'll be nice to watch that happen, to be honest.