Buy My Stuff!
What you are seeing as the header for this article is my very first printed book. It has a dead tree version as well as the ebook version that I’m very used to doing.

What you are seeing as the header for this article is my very first printed book. It has a dead tree version as well as the ebook version that I’m very used to doing. And I need to sell twenty of them to make my money back.
You can go buy the dead tree version here. Or, if you’re not that affluent, get the ebook here.
You can also choose to sponsor me if you like. I already have some tiered rewards up for the fast and the generous.
Over the next few weeks, time permitting, I’ll be showing off everything I’ve written with an eye to profit. And maybe telling you a little about the contents.
Like this:
Kung Fu Zombies started off as a joke that I ended up taking seriously. My oldest child and I were hypothesising about horrible titles when he uttered the now-immortal phrase, “Kung Fu Zombies”. And I started processing all the zombie tropes, all the chop-sake tropes, and a generous dollop of scientific reality into the novel that is before you now.
I threw a lot of lampshades on everything.
I had a lot of fun writing this book. I took immense joy in lambasting the types of people I despised. And during the writing… a lot of personal disasters happened around me. Sickness, death, financial hassles, you name it, it happened.
So now I’m prone to believe that editing this manuscript is a recipe for disaster. It’s staying how it is, now.
Please spend money on my things. I’d like to have a regular income.